Castle Gate Posse Cowboy Action Shooting Club Monthly Match
June 27
The Castle Gate Posse
Proud to be a SASS affiliated club
Cowboy Action Shooting Club
North Springs Shooting Range, Price, Utah
Come shoot with us in the premier shooting town of Castle Gate. This facility was designed by members of the Castle Gate Posse and built by Carbon County.
We stress the Action in Cowboy Action Shooting. Props are abundant and stories with your stage are mandatory. The lines are short and sweet, the laughs long and hard.
Yes, Roy, Rex and Hoppy live here along with those more recent arrivals…Duke, Clint, Selleck and Costner.
We honor the Old West in attitude and style, where and when ladies were treasures and bad guys dispatched without preamble.
This is it! A Cowboy Action Shooter’s dream come true!
Event Times May Vary. Visit the Castle Gate Monthly Shoot Schedule for more information.
June 27
5245 S 8000 W
Price UT 84501
(435) 650-7728