Grant Program



Economic Development
& Tourism Director

751 E 100 North Ste 2600
Price, UT 84501


Economic Development


(435) 636-3295



In 2018 Carbon County was awarded a $600,000 Brownfield Assessment grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to transform underutilized properties from liabilities into assets that revitalize our communities and bring our neighborhoods back to life.

The grant is managed by Carbon County with assistance from an environmental consulting team led by Stantec Consulting Services Inc. (Stantec)

WHO:  Community members and property owners are needed to nominate properties with redevelopment potential.

WHAT:  Revitalize vacant and underutilized (“brownfield”) properties to provide benefits to the community, including job creation, increased property values, environmental restoration, and reduced health risks.

HOW:  Funding will be used to inventory and prioritize brownfield sites for redevelopment, assess existing site conditions, and plan for cleanup and reuse of priority sites throughout our communities.

WHEN:  October 2018 – September 2021

WHERE:  The grant will be used to assess selected properties located primarily in East Carbon, Helper, Price and Wellington.



  • Prioritize use of grant funds on property that will attract investors and become a catalyst for new employment opportunities and a sustainable job base.
  • Promote infill development that maximizes use of existing space, infrastructure and utilities.
  • Remove redevelopment barriers by addressing unknown site conditions and creating shovel ready sites.
  • Invest in sites that will generate public and private revenue.
  • Transform blighted areas into thriving neighborhoods.
  • Protect public health and the environment.
  • Promote public participation and input on priority redevelopment areas and sites.

Disclaimer: Although this project has been funded wholly or in part by the EPA, the contents of this material does not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the EPA.

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