To Vote
Click on to register to vote or to update your information.
Registration Option
Be aware of registration deadlines before upcoming elections.
You can register to vote online at
You can walk into the Clerk/Auditor’s office and register to vote in person. Please bring ID.
You can register to vote at the Drivers License office when you renew your license.
You can call our office and request a registration form be mailed or emailed to you.
We offer curbside registration if you are disabled in any way and need assistance. Just give our office a call.
When and How often Should I Register to Vote?
Your voter registration stays active as long as you vote. You only need to update your information if you move, change names or want to change parties.
Please do not register again if your information is the same.
We can quickly look and verify your information at any time. Just give us a call or go to