Culture Connection Presents Wedge
Thursday April 14, 2022 @ 7pm in the Price Civic Auditorium
Culture Connection Presents Picky Out the Stingers
Thursday March 10, 2022 @ 7pm in the Price Civic Auditorium
Picky Out the Stingers is a four piece, acoustic string band. They play original music in styles across the bluegrass spectrum, including newgrass, country, honkytonk and more. The band draws inspiration from the original bluegrass founders, classic Americana folk, and mountain music from the South, Appalachia and the West. Based in Salt Lake, the band travels and plays festivals, events, and local hot spots around the Rocky Mountain West.
Price City St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Saturday, March 12, 2022
Price City Main Street
Building Utah Conference 2022
Presented by Utah Association of Counties (UAC)
March 23-25, 2022
Carbon County Events Center
UAC is excited to host the 2022 Building Utah Conference in Carbon County this year!
This will be an educational conference and trade show involving municipal, county, and states roads departments, public works directors, engineers, mayors, councils, commissioners, GIS, administrators, state legislators and state department heads. Large machinery, cutting-edge technology and road construction equipment will also be on display. In addition to roads, we will be focusing on statewide multi-modal transit, infrastructure, the inland port, broadband technologies, electric and autonomous vehicles, transportation bonding, legislative policy and more!
Everyone’s a Suspect
Can you figure out who did what?
Be part of the show
February 11, 2022 6pm-9pm
$100 per couple
Tickets available at the Ramada, call (435) 637-8880
Free Admission in to “The Love is Dead Party” at The Sports Page Bar
Culture Connection Presents For the Love of Broadway
A Valentines Tribute. Featuring local performing artists Angela Murray, Mary Peacock, Michelle Broadhead, Celeste Sorensen, and Lizz Davis.
Whether you’re a hopeless romantic, or antagonistic about love, this concert has something for you! February is a time to celebrate one of our most cherished human experiences‐ LOVE! So come and enjoy some of the most beautiful and heart‐wrenching love songs of all time!
Price Civic Auditorium
Thursday February 10, 2022 @ 7pm